SPUTNIK : Luna Lounge – New York City

sputnik MusicMakers

December 7th, 2001

The New York City indie-scene is bracing itself for the next fresh thing. Since the Strokes (only a short while ago) made their paces through the Luna and immediately jumped to the mainstream modality; scenesters have been pondering? Is indie-local-rock gone? A thing of the past? A treasure once forgotten?

And then one finds answers. . . .

Enter one band, who goes by the name of Sputnik. Featuring past members of Longwave (Genie Morrow/vocals), Saccharine (Mike Rains/ guitarist & David Blake /bassist) and Scout’s current drummer (Nigel Rawles); Sputnik has only been together for a short time. Yet, they graced the stage at Luna Lounge and displayed some of the finest sounds out there. Each member was clearly unique in style and delivery – which produced an organic multi-faceted sound that ranged from mood-satiated melodies to powerful poppy guitar licks to country-style finger-pickin’ and beyond. Providing structure to the band is Nigel Rawles and his dead-on style of drumming (not to mention his funny antics when interacting with members of the audience). You couldn’t help but find yourself loving these guys!

Songs that I really enjoyed from their hour set included “Take Me to the Powerlines” a catchy pop song in which Genie sings about the adventures of travelling with a new love. I found the lyrics swirling in my head days later. Also played was, “Sputnik” a song about the fifties space dog and his lonely days in darkness. Between Genie’s accordion playing and her intense gaze past the audience it produced an eerie feel. One couldn’t help but empathize with the poor pooch. The band also played a cover of the Brain Wilson song “Warmth of the Sun”. The layers of music kept the band exciting and mesmorizing to watch. They didn’t settle into cliched alterna-rock indie-crap. Their creativity shown through. The originality was wonderful to witness!

It’s amazing to think that this band has just started. Since this be the case; I cannot wait to see what they hold in store for the future. If your ears are ready for something sweet, refreshing, and new – get out there and check these guys out!


About Ray Archie

Ray Archie is the Executive Director of Notes to the Soul, Inc. is infinitely the musicians’ advocate. It comes from the heart as Ray is also a musician who plays cello, bass, & piano and has performed internationally with Leonard Bernstein, Michael Tilson-Thomas, LSO, SF Symphony orchestra, & many others. Ray crosses the boundaries of classical, jazz, rock, hip-hop, and soul music. Ray is an award-winning musician who has toured extensively worldwide since age 12. He has over 30 years of music industry experience, 12 years of broadcast experience, created large-scale consumer-facing products and has set international standards for audio.

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