Singing for Change

Singing for Change empowers people to become more self-sufficient.

Singing for Change supports invests in nonprofit organizations that inspire, empower, and equip people to become more self-sufficient.


Our grantees encourage personal growth among people who are marginalized. They care about the community as a whole, as well as promote the belief that collectively, people can bring about positive change and sustainable self-sufficiency through connected, diverse communities.


Most likely to be considered are organizations that keep their overhead low and collaborate with other groups in their community to find innovative ways of solving a common problem.


Singing for Change (aka SFC Charitable Foundation, Inc.) was created by Jimmy Buffett in 1995, and receives one dollar from each ticket Jimmy sells at his shows. We envision a world where nonprofit organizations, large and small, provide compelling opportunities for individuals to discover their power to make a difference. The foundation promotes work on the forefront of social change – helping people and communities become smarter, safer, stronger, healthier, and whole.


Singing for Change (SFC) partners with progressive, community-based organizations addressing the root causes of social or environmental problems. We recently narrowed our focus to projects designed to promote self-sufficiency.


Specifically, We Look For Groups That Are:

  1. Working to engage individuals in their communities,
  2. Helping people realize their full potential and become self-sufficient, and
  3. Creating lasting change in the communities they serve.

We will fund operating expenses for those organizations that we feel are accomplishing these goals.
